Monday, April 26, 2010

When they ask me what I need....

I'll say a capo, a lemonade, a dollar-fifty
a big bathtub, prosthetic feet, Diana Ross' role in Mahogany
So I can hang out with Billy Dee Williams, and he can hang out with me
pizza, love, and homony, grits, peach pits, and songs to sing
more accountability, so I can't get away with being mean
shooting stars, dungarees, band-aids on both of my knees
a big old house high in the trees, a little shack down by the beach
a motorhome with golden keys, an A+ in geography
and lots of time to think
I need more time to think....

Actually, that's about all I've had today. Sometimes when I have too much think time my thoughts become random and disoriented, and I can't remember how I got to each one. I think the stress of working/moving/being totally broke may be getting to me a little. But instead of worrying about all that, I find myself preoccupied pondering over... other...... things..... and stuff...................

Fuck Wheat Thins. They trick you into thinking they're healthy, but those bitches have 140 calories per 16 cracker serving, and 230mg of sodium! But you look at the box and you're like "Hm. Wheat Thins. Sweet. I'll munch on these whenever because they have the words 'Wheat' and 'Thin' in their title". Clever, Nabisco. Clever.

Sometimes I think I'm lonely and I'd like to find some nice fella to spend a little snuggle time with, but then I remember about how men tend to complicate my life right when I'm in a good place, and then I think....Maybe I'm not that lonely.

I can turn a cartwheel like no one's business....

I think I'll always miss cigarrettes. I'm a smoker deep down in my soul.

This is what I looked like today when I saw that there was hardly any everything on my so-called "everything bagel".

I'm having kind of a weird day.

Anywho. I'm gonna go run up and down the stairs a few times. Fucking Wheat Thins.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Branching Out!

Over the last few months, my health has become a great concern of mine. Not only physical, but mental and emotional as well. The whole She-BANG! After having a really hectic and abnormal year, I'd kind of stopped trying. In every aspect of my life. I was in such a weird place that I thought the best I could do was take it as it came and roll with the punches. But then the punches kept coming, and I kept rolling and rolling, until one day I just woke up and said to myself "Self, just what the fuck do you think you're doing? Get up and BE BETTER TODAY." So after successfully quitting cigarrettes, going vegan, taking note of all the people/things I have to be grateful for, and cutting out everything that made me feel negatively about myself/my life, I was able to consider this leaf TURNED.

So I started cutting fabric and drawing designs for new sewing projects....
And going out to party with my girls whenever I felt like it...

And hula hooping like a badass....
And yesterday, I learned the value of not only forgiving someone who wronged you, but actually getting over it and moving on without having to completely remove that person from your life. Just being able to let the negativity GO, recognize that you didn't just go through a bunch of stupid meaningless bullshit like you thought you were while it was happening, but that really you were learning a lesson about another person, your life, and yourself. It made it easier to say "It's OK. That was yesterday, and this is today. Be good to me if you want to see me tomorrow." So that was very refreshing!

And then....


I went and took a tango lesson!

SO! MUCH! FUN!!!!!!!!!

I love to dance anyways, but I've always just had my own crazy/hippie/hip hop/freestyle dance moves, I've never tried anything choreographed before. My instructors (Friends of friends, so I got to do this for FREE! YAY ME!) were this couple, Jimmy and Krista. After watching them bust out the most graceful, quick, semi-dangerous looking tango moves in their living room, I was a little intimidated. But once Jimmy showed me a couple steps and was like "OK, you try" I just kind of threw myself into it and I started picking it up pretty fast! I learned how to do a basic "ocho cortado", and was soooo goddamn proud of myself afterwards that I was pretty much glowing for the rest of the day! I can't wait to do it again!
So, I've definitely been getting a good healthy workout lately. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. SHE-BANG BITCH!! haha. But seriously.
But now it's down to business... I'm working 12hr shifts the next 2 days, then moving in 4 days, and I dont have ONE SINGLE THING packed! That's ok though, at least I had a nice calm before the storm. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'll admit it...

Sometimes when I see people jaywalking accross a street I'm driving on, the thought crosses my mind that I should teach them a lesson... Like speed up til I get really close to them and scare the shit out of them. I mean, if it's someone who's made sure they won't interfere with traffic, and they scurry accross the street pretty quickly then thats OK. But it's those asshole nonchalant WALKERS, with that smug look on their face like "I'm special.... Not only so special I don't have use the crosswalk at the end of the block, but I'm SO special I'm POSITIVE every driver is happy to slow down for me." Oh, your day will come, leisurely strolling/gangsta limping/gigantic morbidly obese jaywalker. Maybe I'm not crazy or angry enough to give you what you deserve, but someone is. And I hope THAT someone is driving a BUS.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

OK, Melissa. I will blog.

Truth be told: Facebook is starting to bore me, I need a new personal outlet on the internet that I can have a little more fun with. My best friend Melissa Jane has had her vintage clothing blog ( for some time now, and after stalking her page and branching out to find other interesting/cute/informative blogs, I finally decided this would be an ideal place to babble on about stuff that interests me, and express my silly self. :P

Now for a topic to blog about.....ummmmm......ahem.....ok. I'll start with something obvious. Like, an explanation for this blog's title!

First: I'm a teensy bit unhealthily obsessed with Owls. The owl is my self-proclaimed "spirit animal". That sounds like some super cliche hippie shit, I know, but doesn't everyone have an animal that they just identify with, or feel drawn to? Or at the very least, have a great respect for? The Owl happens to be mine.

I'm very concerned with being loyal to oneself, meaning: thinking situations and feelings through before taking action, being able to separate emotions from reality, and especially finding your inner truth and being astute and determined about guiding your life by that truth. I feel like the characteristics of the owl coincide with those philosophies. I kind of give myself little owl-pep-talks sometimes:

"Don't be afraid of the dark (the unknown)."

"Turn your head around and appreciate life from a new angle"

"Never let anyone clip your wings, or put you in a cage. You are a free bird."

Second: I find my red hair to be an extremely significant part of my identity. I know that sounds very shallow to consider a part of your physical appearance as a great portion of who you are, but I've felt this way my whole life. My red hair and pale skin has always made me feel...different than others. Special. This could be just because of the way society treats any minority, but I always have, and always will prefer to believe it's a lot more mystical than that. To me, it's more than just a mutation of my melanocortin-1 gene. It's that I'm 99% sure I'm decended from mermaids...

Also, when becoming aquainted with new friends, I tend to have a naturally friendly, sweet, but somewhat guarded disposition. AT FIRST. As Melissa likes to divulge while we are chatting it up with folks when we go out, "I'm all bark, no bite. Kristina is no bark, ALL bite!" The person you meet when first getting to know me is just trying to stifle the mischievous, playful, and spontaneous girl who's always trying to burst out of me! I like to attribute this side of my personality to my red hair. My "fiery" side.... haha....

"Nobody who has known a redhead can say that redheads are tame. Even shy redheads have a burning spark of adventure inside them. Opinionated, hotheaded, logical, loyal, friendly, reserved, whatever the redheads' personality, you can bet they'll have SCADS of it!" - Review of The Redhead Encyclopedia

There once was a girl
with a Strawberry curl
Right in the middle of her forehead
And when she was good
she was very, very good
-but when she was bad she was horrid. - Unknown

"You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is."- Anne to Marilla in Anne of Green Gables

And my favorite redhead quote:

Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And eat men like air.
-Sylvia Plath
Third: I intend to avoid monotony and routine as much as possible in my life, because I don't want a life. I want an ADVENTURE! I want to expreience as much as I possibly can in the short time I have on this huge, beautiful earth, to create bonds with the myriad of diverse, amazing human beings I will encounter, to learn from every heartbreak or bout of laughter, from every friend, enemy, or stranger, from every mistake or wonderful decision... On the day I die I want to be able to say "I did it. Mission accomplished". Then smile and fly away as a Little Red Owl :)
Instead of pictures to enhance my Life vs. Adventure explanation, I have a song that helps keep me in alignment with what I want/believe in when all that life-bullshit is clouding my skies. Simple and sweet:
"Ten Things" by Paul Baribeau
name ten things you wanna do before you die and then go do them.
name ten places you really wanna be before you die and then go to them
name ten books you wanna read before you die and then go read them
name ten songs you wanna hear again before you die, get all of your friends together and scream them
because right now all you have is time time time
yeah, but someday that time will run out.
that's the only thing you can be absolutely certain about.
think of all the things that are wrong with your life and then fix them
think of all the things that you love about your life, be thankful you are blessed with them
think of all the things that hold you back and realize that you don't need them
think of all the mistakes you have made in your life, make sure that you never repeat them
because right now all you have is time time time
yeah, but someday that time will run out.
that's the only thing you can be absolutely certain about.
name ten thousand reasons why you never wanna die, go and tell someone who might've forgotten
try to list the endless reasons why it's good to be alive, and then just smile for awhile about them
soon the sun will rise and another day will come
soon enough the sun will set, another day will be gone
and right now all you have is time time time
yeah, but someday that time will run out. that's the only thing you can be absolutely certain about.
So that's an introductory chunk of me. I'll be writing about all kinds of things; interesting tidbits of information, the sunny side of life, creative craftiness, things that inspire me, vegan recipes, and whatever rolls through this crazy, feathered red head of mine!