Friday, June 18, 2010

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels

I woke up in a good mood for no reason today. And so far, it's stayed. Isn't that nice?
Ya know, 'cause sometimes you wake up in a good mood for no reason and then you realize that your tank is on empty and you have to hit up the gas station, which is going to make you late for work, and in your frantic rush you spill the stupid drip coffee in your mug down your shirt so you look all dissheveled when you have to pay for your gas inside (because your account is overdrafted and you can't just use your debit card), and the clerk gives you a look like you're pathetic with your coffee stained shirt while you hand him a couple bills and a few pounds of change, and motherfucker acts like you just handed him Monopoly money or something, and you're all like "WHAT?!? Don't even start with me... *glances at nametag*... 'Ted'!! Count it up quick, I got places to BE!!" And then your mom calls you and feigns innocence while asking you all these questions about what you're up to like she's just curious because she loves you, but really she just wants to break down and analyze your daily activities and throw them back at you in an attempt to prove that you're wasting your life and you'll be sorry later that you didn't listen to your mother because she knows whats best for you better than you do. You're so irresponsible. And as you drive away from that asshole Ted, and struggle to find a fucking cigarrette butt in your ashtray that isn't COMPLETELY smoked, you say to the universe, "Hey, thanks for the 3 minutes of happiness before the shitstorm, fucker!"

But today isn't one of those days. Today I woke up early after only 4 hours of sleep, but I was feeling somehow refreshed. And confident. And graceful.

So I checked my bank account, and I got my direct deposit 2 days early, and it was more than I thought I was getting this paycheck. Sweet.

I looked out the window and saw the sun was shining and the birds were chirping at me, and as a little robin flew over and landed on my hand I did my best Snow White falsetto birdsong imitation, "ah ha ha ha haaaaaaaa"!

So got dressed and ready pretty quickly, giving myself time to grab some gas, and paid with my CARD. Like a grown-up. heh heh.

I drove smoothly down I-5 while rocking out to Dave Matthews all the way to work.

I grabbed my bi-weekly triple-grande-soy-white-mocha-no-whip-please payday treat from the pretty and friendly barista in the little hut by the gas station near my brother's house. I don't care which way you swing, a pretty and friendly girl always gives your day that extra sparkle.

Then I got to work at my brother's, parked my car, and burst out into the parking lot singing "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm wooly mittens!!" And then all the elderly people who live in my brother's condo community came out of their quaint little kitchens and gardens into the street, walkers and oxygen tanks in hands, and started singing and dancing with me Dick Van Dyke style... "Brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things!"

Then, before I went into my brother's house, I decided to just pose and smile for the paparazzi for a few because, hell, they're just doing their job, right?

Then I blew everyone a kiss and entered my brother's house as they all scurried back into their respective condos/hiding places in the bushes and began my work routine. With gusto.

True story.

This is me today.